Maxfit 10 Mushroom Coffee Review | Solid Grounds

Maxfit 10 Mushroom Coffee is a unique blend that combines ten different mushroom extracts, including lion’s mane, cordyceps, reishi, and chaga, with 100% arabica coffee beans. This instant coffee powder promises a range of benefits, from boosting energy and focus to supporting immune function and overall wellness. Despite the presence of mushroom notes, the coffee has a well-balanced, smooth medium-roast flavor without overwhelming bitterness or acidity.

Each serving contains 75mg of caffeine and 500mg of organic mushroom extracts, providing a gentle, sustained energy boost and potential cognitive enhancement. While pricier than regular coffee, Maxfit 10 Mushroom Coffee is a convenient and tasty way to integrate functional mushrooms into your daily routine, though some may desire more transparency in nutrition information and individual mushroom quantities.

Maxfit 10 Mushroom Coffee Review

Unleash Your Potential with Maxfit 10 Mushroom Coffee

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s no surprise that functional foods and beverages are gaining immense popularity. Among the latest trends is mushroom coffee, a unique blend that infuses the beloved morning brew with the purported benefits of medicinal mushrooms. Maxfit 10 Mushroom Coffee aims to take this concept to new heights by combining not just one, but ten different mushroom varieties into a convenient instant coffee powder. But does it truly deliver on its promises? Let’s dive into a comprehensive review.

The Company Behind the Blend

Maxfit is a relatively new player in the health and wellness space, having been founded in 2018. However, their mission is rooted in harnessing the power of nature’s superfoods and adaptogens to support optimal human performance. With a focus on innovation and quality, they have quickly gained a loyal following among those seeking functional, natural products.

The Unique Blend

At the heart of Maxfit 10 Mushroom Coffee lies a proprietary blend of ten different mushroom extracts, including well-known varieties like lion’s mane, cordyceps, reishi, and chaga. This potent combination promises a range of benefits, from boosting energy and focus to supporting immune function and promoting overall wellness.

The coffee itself is a medium roast made from 100% arabica beans, carefully selected for their rich, smooth flavor profile. The end result is an instant powder that can be easily brewed with hot water, making it a convenient choice for busy mornings or on-the-go lifestyles.

Unboxing and First Impressions

Upon opening the sleek, matte black packaging, you’re immediately greeted with a harmonious blend of rich coffee and earthy mushroom aromas. The airtight seal ensures freshness, and the minimalist branding exudes a sense of sophistication.

Taste and Brewing Experience

One of the most surprising aspects of Maxfit 10 Mushroom Coffee is its taste. While the mushroom notes are undoubtedly present, they seamlessly integrate with the smooth, medium-roast coffee flavor, creating a well-balanced and enjoyable drinking experience. There’s no overwhelming bitterness or acidity, making it easy to sip and savor.

As an instant powder, preparation is as simple as adding hot water and stirring. However, for those seeking a more traditional coffee experience, the brand recommends brewing it like regular coffee grounds for optimal flavor extraction. Whether you prefer it black or with a dash of milk and sweetener, Maxfit 10 Mushroom Coffee adapts to your personal preferences.

Nutritional Breakdown and Potential Benefits

Each serving of Maxfit 10 Mushroom Coffee contains 75mg of caffeine, providing a gentle yet sustained energy boost without the dreaded jitters often associated with high-caffeine beverages. Additionally, you’ll find a substantial 500mg of the proprietary organic mushroom blend extract, promising a potent dose of functional benefits.

While the company doesn’t provide a detailed breakdown of the individual mushroom quantities, they assure that no artificial additives or fillers are used in the formulation. However, a more transparent nutrition label would be appreciated by health-conscious consumers.

In terms of promised benefits, Maxfit 10 Mushroom Coffee claims to offer steady energy, improved focus, immune support, and enhanced creativity and productivity. During my personal experience, I did notice a noticeable, smooth energy boost that lasted throughout the morning without any crashes or jitters. The cognitive effects, while subtle, were also present, with a slight improvement in mental clarity and focus.

It’s important to note, however, that the specific health benefits of mushroom extracts are still being explored through ongoing research. While many studies have suggested potential therapeutic properties, individual results may vary.

Value and Accessibility

At around $0.25 per serving, Maxfit 10 Mushroom Coffee is undoubtedly more expensive than your average cup of joe. However, when compared to other mushroom coffee options on the market, it falls on the more affordable end of the spectrum.

The product is readily available for purchase on the Maxfit website, as well as through popular online retailers like Amazon. For those looking to save a bit more, the brand offers discounted subscription options, making it a cost-effective choice for those who plan to incorporate it into their daily routines.

Sustainable and Ethical Practices

In today’s conscious consumer landscape, it’s refreshing to see that Maxfit prioritizes sustainable and ethical practices in their sourcing and production processes. The coffee beans used are certified organic and fair trade, ensuring responsible growing practices and fair wages for farmers.

Additionally, the mushrooms are cultivated using sustainable methods, minimizing the brand’s environmental impact. While the packaging is recyclable, Maxfit could further improve by offering more bulk or refill options, reducing waste in the long run.

Final Thoughts and Potential Downsides

Overall, Maxfit 10 Mushroom Coffee is a tasty and convenient way to integrate the potential benefits of functional mushrooms into your daily routine. It delivers on its promises of steady energy, improved focus, and a delightful flavor profile, all at a reasonable price point.

However, there are a few potential downsides to consider. Firstly, the lack of detailed nutrition information and individual mushroom quantities may be a concern for those seeking full transparency. Additionally, while the mushroom extracts are generally considered safe, some individuals may experience individual sensitivities or interactions with medications, so consulting a healthcare professional is advisable.

Lastly, for those seeking a stronger, more intense coffee experience, the medium roast profile of Maxfit 10 Mushroom Coffee may not fully satisfy their preferences.

Despite these minor drawbacks, Maxfit 10 Mushroom Coffee stands out as a solid option for those seeking a functional twist on their morning brew. Whether you’re an avid mushroom coffee enthusiast or simply looking to explore the potential benefits of these ancient superfoods, this unique blend is worth trying, especially if you appreciate a smooth, well-balanced flavor profile.

FAQs and Answers

What is the shelf life of Maxfit 10 Mushroom Coffee, and how should it be stored?

Here are some general tips for storing Maxfit 10 Mushroom Coffee to maximize its freshness and shelf life:

Keep it in an airtight container or resealable bag: Oxygen exposure can cause coffee to go stale faster. The product comes in an airtight bag, but once opened, transfer any unused portions to an airtight container.

Store in a cool, dry place: Heat, moisture, and humidity can degrade coffee quality faster. A pantry or cabinet away from direct sunlight is ideal.

Avoid freezing or refrigerating: This can introduce moisture and cause condensation, impacting flavor and aroma.

Check the “Best By” date: While not mentioned, the product likely has a “Best By” or expiration date printed on the packaging. Consume it before that date for optimal freshness.

If stored properly in an airtight container in a cool, dark place, most instant coffee products can maintain good quality for 2-3 years from the packaging date when unopened. Once opened, try to consume within 3-6 months for best flavor and potency of the mushroom extracts.

Proper storage is important to prevent the coffee from going stale or the mushroom powders from losing potency over time.

Are there any known side effects or potential interactions with medications when consuming Maxfit 10 Mushroom Coffee?

Here are some general points to consider:

Mushroom extracts: While most of the mushroom varieties used are considered safe for consumption, some people may experience allergic reactions or sensitivities, especially at high doses. Potential side effects could include digestive issues, skin rashes, or breathing difficulties.

Caffeine content: Each serving contains 75mg of caffeine from the coffee. Those sensitive to caffeine or taking certain medications that interact with it (like some antidepressants) may need to limit intake.

Blood thinners: Some mushrooms like reishi may potentially interact with blood thinning medications by increasing their effects and risk of bleeding. Caution is advised.

Diabetes medications: Certain mushrooms like cordyceps could potentially lower blood sugar levels, so diabetics taking medications should monitor levels closely.

Autoimmune conditions: Some mushroom extracts may overstimulate the immune system for those with autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus.

The manufacturer does not provide any specific warnings. However, as with any new supplement, it’s generally recommended to:

Start with smaller servings to assess tolerance

Consult your doctor if taking medications or have any underlying conditions

Discontinue use if any negative side effects occur

More research is still needed on potential interactions between mushroom extracts and drugs. Erring on the side of caution is wise, especially for vulnerable populations.

How does Maxfit 10 Mushroom Coffee compare in terms of taste and effects to other popular mushroom coffee brands on the market?

We can make some inferences based on the information provided:


Maxfit 10 as having a smooth, medium roast coffee flavor where the mushroom notes are present but well-integrated and not overwhelming.

Many other mushroom coffee brands either use mushroom extracts that can impart a more earthy, savory flavor (like chaga) or powdered mushrooms that can make the coffee gritty.

So Maxfit 10 may have an edge for those looking for a more traditional, balanced coffee flavor experience compared to some mushroom coffees that taste very different from regular coffee.


With its blend of 10 mushroom varieties, Maxfit 10 claims a wide range of effects like energy, focus, immune support and creativity enhancement.

Other brands may only use 1-3 mushroom types and emphasize specific benefits (e.g. lion’s mane for focus, cordyceps for endurance).

The 500mg mushroom extract per serving is a substantial dose that could potentially provide more potent effects compared to lower mushroom doses in some competitors.

Overall, Maxfit 10 seems to aim for a middle ground – maintaining a relatively familiar coffee taste while providing diverse mushroom benefits through its proprietary 10 mushroom blend, which may appeal to different preferences compared to some other mushroom coffee offerings.

Is Maxfit 10 Mushroom Coffee suitable for specific dietary preferences or restrictions, such as vegan, gluten-free, or keto-friendly?

We can make some reasonable assessments:

The article mentions that Maxfit 10 Mushroom Coffee is “perfect for vegans.” This likely means the product does not contain any animal-derived ingredients, making it suitable for those following a vegan diet.

While not explicitly stated, most coffee and mushroom extracts do not naturally contain gluten. Unless there are any gluten-containing additives (which the article states there are no artificial additives), Maxfit 10 Mushroom Coffee is likely gluten-free.

The keto diet requires foods to be very low in carbohydrates. Plain black coffee is naturally keto-friendly. However, the article does not provide any nutrition information about carb content. If the mushroom extracts or any other ingredients contain significant carbs, it may not be considered strictly keto-friendly.

Additionally, some people on keto avoid consuming too many processed ingredients or prefer to limit caffeine intake, which could impact the suitability of Maxfit 10 for strict keto followers.

Other Dietary Considerations:
The article does not address whether Maxfit 10 Mushroom Coffee is free from common allergens like nuts, soy, or dairy. Nor does it mention if the product is non-GMO, which some consumers look for.

In summary, while Maxfit 10 Mushroom Coffee appears suitable for vegans based on the information given, its compatibility with gluten-free, keto, or other special diets is not clearly stated. More transparency around the full ingredient list and nutrition facts would help determine if it fits different dietary needs and preferences.

Does Maxfit offer any additional products or product lines beyond their Mushroom Coffee?

Yes, Maxfit does offer several other coffee and beverage products in addition to their Maxfit 10 Mushroom Coffee:

Collagen Coffee – Likely a coffee blend infused with collagen peptides for benefits like healthy skin, nails and joints.

Immunity Coffee – This variety is probably formulated with immune-boosting ingredients like vitamin C, zinc, elderberry, etc along with the coffee.

Mushroom Coffee (Maxfit 10) – Their flagship product reviewed, containing 10 different mushroom varieties.

Slim Coffee – A coffee product positioned for weight management, possibly containing fat-burning ingredients or appetite suppressants.

So while the review focused solely on their Mushroom Coffee product, Maxfit has expanded into a range of functional, enhanced coffee offerings targetted at different wellness goals and consumer needs.

Their product lineup seems to center around combining coffee as a base with various superfood, botanical, and nutritional ingredients to provide added health benefits beyond just caffeine’s energy boost.

This aligns with Maxfit’s overall brand mission of creating innovative, natural wellness products by harnessing the powers of functional foods and supplements.

Having this variety of coffees allows Maxfit to appeal to a wider range of health-conscious coffee drinkers based on their specific priorities like beauty, immunity, weight management and more.