Beyond Brew vs Everyday Dose – What is The Better | Solid Grounds

The demand for functional foods offering additional health benefits has fueled the rise of mushroom coffee, which infuses brews with extracts from medicinal mushrooms like lion’s mane and reishi. Two leading brands in this space are Beyond Brew and Everyday Dose. Beyond Brew contains a more potent blend of four mushroom varieties (lion’s mane, cordyceps, reishi, chaga) totaling 2000mg of extracts. It has a distinct umami flavor that pairs well with oat milk.

Everyday Dose uses three mushrooms and aims for a smoother coffee taste. While both brands claim cognitive and energy-boosting advantages, research is limited. Beyond Brew is considered the superior option for its robust yet sustainable mushroom blend, fan-favorite taste, and slightly higher caffeine content, though it comes with a premium price tag. Everyday Dose provides better value for those wanting just a mild mushroom coffee introduction.

Beyond Brew vs Everyday Dose Comparison Table

Beyond Brew vs Everyday Dose

Beyond Brew vs Everyday Dose

Beyond Brew Mushroom Coffee

Beyond Brew

Everyday Dose Mushroom Coffee

Everyday Dose

Potency of Mushroom Blend

(with 4 mushrooms and 2000mg of extracts)
Rating: 9/10

(only 3 mushrooms, extract amount not disclosed)
Rating: 7/10

Ingredient Sourcing & Sustainability

(organic, U.S. family farms, regenerative practices)
Rating: 9/10

(less transparency on mushroom sourcing)
Rating: 7/10

Taste/Flavor Profile

(fan-favorite rich umami taste)
Rating: 8/10

(more traditional smooth coffee taste)
Rating: 7/10

Caffeine Level

(100mg caffeine per 8oz serving)
Rating: 8/10

(95mg caffeine per serving)
Rating: 7/10


(premium pricing around $28 per 12oz bag)
Rating: 7/10

(more budget-friendly pricing)
Rating: 8/10

Overall Rating

Overall Rating: 8.2/10

Overall Rating: 7.2/10

Latest Price

Beyond Brew Mushroom Coffee
Everyday Dose Mushroom Coffee
Beyond Brew vs Everyday Dose

Focus, Flavor and Fungi: Comparing Beyond Brew vs Everyday Dose

The Demand for Functional Foods

In recent years, there has been an increasing demand for functional foods and beverages that go beyond providing basic nutrition. Consumers are seeking out products that can offer additional health benefits and a boost to their daily wellness routines.

Mushroom Coffee Emerges

One trend that has emerged from this is mushroom coffee – brews infused with extracts from various medicinal mushroom varieties like lion’s mane, reishi, cordyceps and chaga.

The Mushroom Coffee Pioneers

At the forefront of this mushroom coffee movement are two brands – Beyond Brew and Everyday Dose. Both companies have created unique mushroom-infused coffee blends that promise to enhance focus, cognition and energy levels.

Comparing the Two Brands

The Brand Breakdown

Beyond Brew was founded in 2018 by a team passionate about making functional mushroom beverages accessible to the mainstream market. Their commitment to sustainability and ethical sourcing is a core part of their brand identity. Everyday Dose hit the scene a couple years later in 2020, promoting the productivity and brain-boosting advantages of their unique mushroom coffee formulation.

The Star Ingredients

Looking at the mushroom varieties used, Beyond Brew packs more of a punch with a potent four mushroom blend – lion’s mane, cordyceps, reishi and chaga. Their mushroom extracts make up 2,000mg or about 20% of the total beverage. Everyday Dose keeps it a bit more streamlined with a trio of lion’s mane, turkey tail and himematsutake mushrooms.

Caffeine and Nutrition Stats

It’s also worth noting that Beyond Brew has 100mg of caffeine per 8oz serving compared to 95mg in Everyday Dose’s blend. On nutrition, Beyond Brew has 20 calories, 2g fiber, 1g protein per serving while Everyday Dose’s is 15 calories, 1g fiber.

Taste Test: Rich Umami or Smooth Roast?

When it comes to flavor profile, Beyond Brew leans into the rich, savory and earthy notes imparted by the mushroom extracts. Their coffee has a distinct umami taste. Everyday Dose aims for a more traditional, smooth medium-roast coffee taste with just hints of the mushroom extracts coming through.

Pairing Recommendations

Most reviewers recommend frothing the coffee with a non-dairy milk like oat or almond to bring out the full flavors in each. Beyond Brew may pair particularly well with frothed oat milk.

Do the Benefits Stack Up?

Both brands make lofty claims about the cognitive and energy-boosting benefits of their mushroom coffees. They assert that the blend of mushroom extracts combined with caffeine can heighten focus, concentration and productivity while providing extended energy without a crash.

What Research Shows

Anecdotal reviews seem to back up advantages in focus, cognitive function and steady energy levels compared to plain coffee. However, few studies have specifically looked at these mushroom coffee formulations. The bulk of research has looked at the medicinal mushrooms in isolation.

Potential Downsides

It’s important to look at potential downsides. Some mushroom extracts may interact with medications or supplements. There are reports of side effects like insomnia, upset stomach and allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. Moderation is key.

Beyond Brew’s Winning Factors

Looking at the full picture, Beyond Brew seems to edge out Everyday Dose as the superior option for a few reasons: a more potent mushroom blend, clean/sustainable sourcing, the fan favorite taste, and a slightly bigger caffeine kick.

Potential Downsides of Beyond Brew

  • Premium Price Point: Beyond Brew is one of the pricier mushroom coffee options.
  • Mushroom Taste Aversion: The strong umami flavors may be off-putting to some.

Everyday Dose’s Advantages

The main advantages of Everyday Dose are a more budget-friendly price point and a taste profile that sticks closer to traditional coffee flavors for those wanting just a mild mushroom coffee intro.

The Clear Winner

For those seeking a robust, high-quality mushroom coffee experience, Beyond Brew stands out as the current market leader. Their potent yet delicious mushroom blend, sustainability efforts and rave reviews make it worthwhile for health-conscious coffee enthusiasts.

FAQs and Answers

What are the recommended brew methods (e.g. drip machine, pour over, french press) for optimizing the flavor and benefits of each brand’s mushroom coffee?

Some tips that could apply:

For drip machines, using the right grind size and brew temperature is important for extracting full flavor from coffee beans/grounds. A medium grind and temps around 195-205°F are typical.

Pour over and french press can give you more control over factors like brew time, grind size, and water temperature to adjust strength and extraction. Coarser grinds are better for these methods.

For mushroom coffees specifically, you may want to use slightly cooler temperatures than regular coffee to help preserve delicate mushroom compounds.

Frothing or adding fats like nut milks can also help extract and deliver the beneficial mushroom nutrients and compounds.

Do the mushroom extracts require any special storage conditions like refrigeration once the package is opened? What are the shelf-life considerations?

Here are some general guidelines for storing mushroom coffee products once opened:

Mushroom Extracts/Powders:

  • Exposure to air, moisture, heat and light can degrade the beneficial compounds in mushroom extracts over time
  • Ideally, opened mushroom powders/extracts should be stored in an airtight, opaque container in a cool, dry place
  • Refrigeration can further extend shelf life, but may not be necessary if used within a few months
  • Check for any moisture accumulation and discard if there are signs of moisture or deterioration

Mushroom Coffee Grounds/Beans:

  • Like regular coffee, mushroom coffee grounds/beans should be stored airtight and away from heat, light and moisture
  • Refrigeration or freezing can help retain freshness and slow staling
  • Shelf life can vary from 1-3 weeks at room temp to several months if refrigerated/frozen

No matter the form, using mushroom coffee products sooner rather than later after opening is recommended to ensure maximum freshness and potency of the mushroom compounds. Checking manufacturer instructions is ideal, but taking steps to limit air, light and moisture exposure will help maintain quality and shelf life at home.

Are there any tips for blending or frothing the mushroom coffees with milk alternatives like oat or almond milk to enhance texture and flavor?

Yes, there are some good tips for blending or frothing mushroom coffees with milk alternatives to enhance texture and flavor:

  1. Use a milk frother or frother wand – The aeration and foam created by frothing helps bring out the flavors and adds a creamy, velvety texture when combined with mushroom coffee.
  2. Opt for barista-style plant-based milks – Milks specifically formulated for frothing like Oatly, Califia, or Pacific tend to create thicker, more stable foam compared to thinner milk alternatives.
  3. Heat the milk before frothing – Warming the milk slightly (not boiling) allows it to hold air bubbles better when frothed for a richer, more velvety result.
  4. Add a small splash of oil or butter – A teaspoon of coconut oil, MCT oil or even butter can enhance body and help the foam hold its structure when blended into mushroom coffee.
  5. Use a blender for smooth, frothy results – Blending the frothed milk alternative with the mushroom coffee emulsifies everything into one silky, integrated beverage.
  6. Sweeten to taste – A drizzle of maple syrup, vanilla, or spices like cinnamon can complement both the coffee and mushroom flavors nicely.

Getting that smooth, frothy texture from the milk alternative allows the earthy umami notes of the mushrooms to meld seamlessly with the coffee flavors.

Can the mushroom coffee grounds/powders be reused to brew a second batch, or is it recommended to use a fresh serving each time?

When it comes to reusing mushroom coffee grounds or powders, the general recommendation is to use a fresh serving each time for the best flavor and potency.

Here are a few key reasons why reusing is not ideal:

  1. Extraction efficacy
    The hot water extraction process during brewing removes a significant amount of the beneficial compounds from the mushroom powders/grounds on the first brew. Reusing those same grounds will yield a much weaker, less flavorful second brew.
  2. Freshness and oxidation
    Like regular coffee, once the mushroom grounds have been exposed to air and moisture during brewing, they begin to oxidize and go stale more quickly. This degrades both flavor and potential health benefits.
  3. Food safety concerns
    Leaving used damp grounds sitting out creates a breeding ground for bacteria and mold that could make you sick if rebrewed.
  4. Intensity and potency
    The whole point of mushroom coffee is to get the full dose of mushroom extracts. Reusing grounds means a severely diminished amount of those functional ingredients.

While squeezing out an extra weak brew from leftover grounds is possible, it’s not recommended. Using a fresh dose of grounds each time ensures you get the full flavor, aroma and potency intended by the mushroom coffee makers. The small amount of grounds used makes it affordable to simply use a fresh serving daily.

For those wanting to make iced mushroom coffee drinks, are there any special instructions for cold brewing or chilling either Beyond Brew or Everyday Dose products?

Here are some general tips that could apply when making iced mushroom coffee drinks:

Cold Brew Method:

  • Use a concentrated cold brew ratio (e.g. 1 cup grounds to 4 cups cold water)
  • Allow to steep for 12-24 hours in the refrigerator
  • Strain out the grounds
  • Mix the cold brew concentrate with water/ice and any additionals like milk, sweeteners, etc.
  • Cold brewing can help preserve delicate mushroom compounds better than hot brewing

Chilling Hot Brewed Coffee:

  • Brew mushroom coffee using your preferred hot method as you normally would
  • Allow it to cool slightly after brewing
  • Pour over ice or refrigerate to chill completely
  • Add any milk, sweeteners, etc. after chilling
  • Consider brewing a bit stronger to account for dilution from ice melting

No matter the chilling method, try to minimize excessive heat exposure to the mushroom coffees, as high temps can degrade some of the beneficial mushroom compounds.

Storing in an airtight container in the fridge for no more than 1-2 days is recommended for any leftover chilled mushroom coffee as well.