Top 5 Best Mushroom Coffee Brands in 2024 | SoildGrounds

Four Sigmatic’s Mushroom Coffee ties for the top rank along with Beyond Brew. Four Sigmatic infuses their rich, smooth coffee with immune-boosting chaga and brain-enhancing lion’s mane mushrooms. Its low caffeine content provides energy without jitters or crashes. Extensive third-party testing ensures quality and potency. Beyond Brew matches this excellence with its innovative caffeine-free, cacao-mushroom base. It blends 6 adaptogenic mushrooms like cordyceps and reishi into a delicious mocha-like drink loaded with antioxidants and calm focus.

Ryze Mushroom Coffee takes third by delivering balanced energy and tranquility from its 7 mushroom extracts alongside reduced caffeine levels. Its smooth, earthy flavor shows off the mushroom varietals well. In fourth is Everyday Dose, which stands out with additions like collagen protein and L-theanine alongside lion’s mane and chaga extracts. Though its coffee flavor is smooth, it’s less unique than the top three. Rounding out the five is Pella Mushroom Coffee, containing 7 mushrooms like turkey tail. However, its lighter coffee taste and moderate caffeine content make it less distinctive than other brands. Caffeine reduction, mushroom variety, flavor enhancement, and third-party testing emerge as the key factors separating the best mushroom coffee products. Four Sigmatic and Beyond Brew rise above with their pioneering mushroom-infused beverages.

Best Mushroom Coffee

Our Top 5 Recommended Mushroom Coffee Products

Brand NamePrice rangeImage

#1 Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee
8 Rating
Overall Rating: 8.0/10

Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee Review

#2 Beyoned Brew Mushroom Coffee
8 Rating
Overall Rating: 8.0/10

Beyond Brew Mushroom Coffee

#3 Ryze Mushroom Coffee
8 Rating
Overall Rating: 7.8/10

Ryze Mushroom Coffee

#4 Everyday Dose Mushroom Coffee
7 Rating
Overall Rating: 7.0/10

Everyday Dose Mushroom Coffee

#5 Pella Mushroom Coffee
7 Rating
Overall Rating: 7.0/10

Pella Mushroom Coffee

Our Rank according to mushroom ingredients, caffeine content, flavor, price/serving and third party testing.

#1 Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee

Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee Review

Infuse your morning routine with superfood mushrooms! This organic dark roast coffee cleverly combines the energy-boosting properties of coffee with the focus-enhancing benefits of lion’s mane and immune-boosting chaga mushrooms. Expertly roasted for a smooth, rich taste without the bitter aftertaste of regular coffee, each cup provides a delicious boost of antioxidants and adaptogens for hours of sustained energy and concentration. Known as the “king of mushrooms,” the chaga adds powerful immune support, while the lion’s mane mushroom has been used for centuries around the world to aid creativity and productivity.

This magical mushroom coffee from Four Sigmatic uplifts both body and mind, providing a perfectly balanced coffee experience free of post-caffeine crashes. Expertly sourced and packed with scientifically-proven functional mushrooms, this coffee transforms an ordinary morning habit into a supercharged, highly-focused ritual. So skip the jittery jolt of regular coffee, and start your days with the clean, crash-free energy of this remarkaby elevated mushroom brew!

Mushroom Ingredients: Chaga, Lion’s Mane, Cordyceps and more – (8/10)
Caffeine Content: Low – (8/10)
Flavor: Rich Coffee Flavor – (7/10)

Price: About $27-$30 – Average – (7/10)
Third Party Testing: ‎Extensively Lab Tested – (10/10)

Overall Rating: 8.0/10
8 Rating
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#2 Beyond Brew Mushroom Coffee

Beyond Brew Mushroom Coffee

Beyond Brew is a delicious and nourishing caffeine-free alternative to coffee. It’s made with organic cacao, functional mushroom extracts like lion’s mane and reishi, prebiotics, and probiotics. I love the rich chocolate flavor accented with warming spices like cinnamon and ginger. It has an indulgent, mocha-like taste without any bitterness. This mushroom superfood drink provides focused energy and tranquility without the jitters or crash from too much caffeine. The blend of adaptogenic mushrooms offers potent antioxidants, immune support, and calm alertness. It’s the perfect morning ritual for those looking to reduce their caffeine intake while still getting an uplifting boost.

Beyond Brew also supports digestive health by providing beneficial probiotics and prebiotic fiber. This helps balance the gut microbiome for overall wellness. Whether you mix Beyond Brew into coffee or enjoy it on its own, it’s an excellent way to get functional mushroom benefits along with deep, sustained nourishment. For a healthy energy drink without the burnout or adrenal fatigue, I highly recommend Beyond Brew Mushroom Coffee. Its cacao-mushroom base provides mood-balancing effects to increase productivity while avoiding overstimulation. It’s a truly innovative product.

Mushroom Ingredients: (Contains 6 types including lion’s mane, reishi, cordyceps) – (9/10)
Caffeine Content: (No caffeine, caffeine-free alternative) – (10/10)
Flavor: (Rich cacao/chocolate flavor with spices) – (8/10)

Price: About $35-$38 – Slightly High – (6/10)
Third Party Testing: ‎(Likely tested but not explicitly stated) – (7/10)

Overall Rating: 8.0/10
8 Rating
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#3 Ryze Mushroom Coffee

Ryze Mushroom Coffee

This mushroom coffee blend delivers balanced, sustained energy along with mental clarity thanks to its mix of organic adaptogenic mushrooms like cordyceps, lion’s mane, and reishi. I appreciate the smooth, creamy coffee flavor with just a subtle earthy taste from the mushrooms. It provides a calmer caffeine lift without jitters or crashing later. The combination of mushrooms target both physical and mental wellbeing.

After drinking this coffee, I feel focused yet tranquil – ready to take on the day’s tasks with less anxiety. The blend of medicinal mushrooms seems well chosen to boost immunity, gut health, energy, and focus. I also like that this product has only half the caffeine content of regular coffee. For those seeking an uplifting morning ritual without negative side effects, this adaptogenic mushroom coffee is an excellent choice. The blend of organic mushrooms delivers cognitive benefits and antioxidants. The founders’ mission to share their healthy habit while promoting mindfulness aligns well with the relaxing yet motivating effects of the coffee.

Mushroom Ingredients: 7 Types Including Cordyceps, Reishi and Lion’s Mane – (9/10)
Caffeine Content: About Half of Regular Coffee – (6/10)
Flavor: Smooth and Creamy with Subtle Earthiness – (8/10)

Price: About $27-$30 – Average – (7/10)
Third Party Testing: ‎Rigorously Tested – (9/10)

Overall Rating: 7.8/10
8 Rating
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#4 Everyday Dose Mushroom Coffee

Everyday Dose Mushroom Coffee

Everyday Dose Mushroom Coffee is a tasty and healthier alternative to regular coffee. It contains a proprietary blend of mushroom extracts, collagen protein, L-theanine, and low-acidity coffee extract. I love the smooth, creamy coffee flavor that provides focused energy and mood balance without the crash later. The combination of lion’s mane and chaga mushroom extracts enhances cognitive function and memory while providing a boost of antioxidants. These adaptogenic mushrooms promote mental clarity and immunity. With only 45mg of caffeine from premium coffee extract, this mushroom coffee avoids the jitters and digestive issues caused by too much caffeine.

I also appreciate the addition of hydrolyzed collagen protein for extra nutritional benefits. The L-theanine works synergistically with the small amount of caffeine to provide alert relaxation. After drinking Everyday Dose Mushroom Coffee, I feel productive yet calm and focused. For those looking for a smarter, healthier coffee that fuels brain performance without overstimulation, Everyday Dose is a great option. The blend of mushroom extracts and collagen protein provides mental and physical benefits beyond a normal cup of coffee.

Mushroom Ingredients: Has Lion’s Mane and Chaga – (7/10)
Caffeine Content: Low Caffeine Content – (8/10)
Flavor: Smooth Coffee Taste – (6/10)

Price: About $27-$30 – Average – (7/10)
Third Party Testing: ‎Tested For Purity – (7/10)

Overall Rating: 7.0/10
7 Rating
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#5 Pella Mushroom Coffee

Pella Mushroom Coffee

Pella Mushroom Coffee is an organic instant coffee blended with 7 different nutrient-dense mushroom extracts for both great taste and health benefits. It contains lion’s mane, reishi, chaga, cordyceps, shiitake, maitake, and turkey tail. I’m impressed by the smooth, delicious coffee flavor with just a hint of earthiness from the mushrooms. It provides sustained energy and productivity without the crash later in the day. The combination of organic Arabica coffee and mushroom extracts like cordyceps and lion’s mane gives you extra physical and mental energy.

This mushroom coffee blend keeps you focused and alert whether you’re working, exercising, or going about your day. I also appreciate that it’s USDA organic certified and 100% vegan. Pella Mushroom Coffee offers a tasty and healthier energizing alternative to regular coffee. The blend of organic mushrooms provides antioxidants, adaptogens, and other benefits. If you’re looking for clean, jitters-free energy in the morning or afternoon, give Pella Mushroom Coffee a try. The blend of organic coffee and mushrooms creates an uplifting drink without the crash. It keeps me productive and focused all day long.

Mushroom Ingredients: 7 Types Including Cordyceps, Reishi and Lion’s Mane – (9/10)
Caffeine Content: Moderate Caffeine – (6/10)
Flavor: Light Coffee Taste – (5/10)

Price: About $27-$30 – Average – (7/10)
Third Party Testing: ‎Good Independent Testing – (8/10)

Overall Rating: 7.0/10
7 Rating
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FAQs and Answers

What’s the difference between the mushroom ingredients used in different brands? How do reishi, chaga, lion’s mane etc. compare?

The main mushroom varieties used in mushroom coffee products each have their own unique health benefits:

  • Reishi is known for its immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory properties. It also promotes calmness and sleep.
  • Chaga has high antioxidant levels that support immune function and may help fight inflammation.
  • Cordyceps increases energy, endurance and exercise performance. It may also have anti-aging effects.
  • Lion’s Mane contains compounds that stimulate nerve growth and brain cell regeneration. It boosts cognitive function and memory.
  • Turkey Tail is packed with antioxidants and helps modulate the immune system. It may help combat infections and cancer.
  • Shiitake contains nutrients like B vitamins and vitamin D that support overall health and energy levels.
  • Maitake is an adaptogen that helps manage stress and regulate immune function.

So in summary, key differences are that reishi and chaga boost immunity, cordyceps enhances energy, lion’s mane sharpens mental clarity, and other varieties provide additional antioxidant and health support. Comparing the mushroom ingredients can help determine which product will provide you with your desired benefits.

How much caffeine is in mushroom coffee compared to regular coffee? Is it enough to give you an energy boost?

Mushroom coffee typically contains less caffeine than regular coffee. The exact amount can vary by brand, but on average:

  • Regular brewed coffee has 95-200mg caffeine per 8oz cup
  • Mushroom coffee has 50-100mg caffeine per 8oz cup

So mushroom coffee has roughly half the caffeine content of regular coffee.

The lower caffeine levels in mushroom coffee provide a gentler energy boost without the jittery side effects that can come from too much caffeine. Many people report mushroom coffee gives them sustained energy, focus and alertness without the crash later in the day.

The mushroom extracts like cordyceps, chaga and lion’s mane also provide additional energy and cognitive boosting effects. So the combination of lower caffeine plus energizing mushrooms like cordyceps can deliver smooth, non-jittery energy from mushroom coffee for several hours.

However, people who are highly caffeine sensitive may still want to limit their intake or opt for decaf mushroom coffee varieties to avoid unwanted stimulation. Those with high caffeine tolerance may prefer to combine mushroom coffee with an additional shot of espresso.

What’s the best way to prepare mushroom coffee? Can you brew it like regular coffee or does it need to be prepared differently?

Mushroom coffee can be prepared in all the same ways as regular coffee for the most part. Here are some tips for getting the best results:

  • Follow the brand’s suggested preparation instructions. Some mushroom coffee is intended for standard drip coffee makers, while instant mixes should be prepared with hot water.
  • For ground mushroom coffee beans, use the same brewing methods you would use for regular coffee grounds. This includes drip machines, pour over, French press, etc.
  • Adjust the strength based on your tastes. Use less grounds/mix for milder coffee or more for a stronger brew.
  • Since mushroom coffee is lower in caffeine, you can use slightly more grounds than regular coffee if you want a caffeine boost.
  • For instant mushroom coffee, mix the powder with 6-8 oz hot water. Add milk, sweeteners or other mix-ins as desired.
  • Avoid over-boiling mushroom coffee as extended high heat can degrade some of the beneficial compounds in the mushrooms.
  • Store ground mushroom coffee in an airtight container away from sunlight to preserve freshness.

So brewing mushroom coffee is very similar to regular coffee. Following the package guidance and adjusting strength to your tastes will result in a great mushroom-infused cup of coffee.

Do all mushroom coffee products taste earthy or medicinal? Are some brands more smooth and coffee-like than others?

There is definitely variation in the taste and flavor profiles of different mushroom coffee products:

  • Some brands do have an earthy, medicinal or bitter taste from the mushrooms. This is especially common in products with higher concentrations of mushroom extracts.
  • Other products use minimal amounts of mushrooms or extract powders that are less intrusive on the coffee taste. These tend to taste more like regular coffee.
  • Roasting techniques also impact flavor. Darker roasts can mask earthiness better than light roasts. The type of coffee beans used also contributes to overall flavor.
  • Some brands advertise a “smooth” or “rich” coffee taste while others boast about their mushrooms’ potency, indicating flavor priorities.
  • Higher quality mushrooms like organic chaga or cordyceps tend to add less bitterness versus lower cost mushrooms.
  • Added flavors like chocolate, cinnamon or pumpkin spice can overpower any earthy tastes in flavored varieties.

So in summary, there are smooth, coffee-forward options for those who dislike medicinal flavors. But you may get more mushroom potency and benefits from earthier, more mushroom-forward blends. Checking reviews can help choose a best tasting mushroom coffee based on your flavor preferences.

Are there any side effects or interactions to be aware of when drinking mushroom coffee? Is it safe for everyone?

Here are some potential side effects and safety considerations with mushroom coffee:

  • Caffeine sensitivity – Those already sensitive to caffeine should use caution/moderation with mushroom coffee due to its caffeine content.
  • Medication interactions – Mushrooms may interact with immunosuppressants, blood thinners, diabetes medication and others. Check with your doctor.
  • Allergies – Those with fungus or mushroom allergies should avoid mushroom coffee.
  • Pregnancy/breastfeeding – There is limited safety data for mushroom use during pregnancy. Check with your OB-GYN before use.
  • High blood pressure – Mushroom coffee can be high in sodium (salt). Those with hypertension may want to limit intake.
  • Problems with stimulants – People with anxiety, insomnia, adrenal fatigue, etc. should minimize intake of the caffeine in mushroom coffee.
  • Surgery – Stop mushroom coffee use at least 2 weeks before surgery since it may increase bleeding risk.

So while small amounts are likely safe for most healthy adults, larger doses or use by sensitive groups can increase risk of side effects. It’s best to start slowly and consult your doctor if you have any concerns.